Taxis in Punta Cana

Taxis are the most expensive Taxis are the most expensive Taxis are the most expensive way to get around

Taxis are the most convenient. But you are also the most expensive ground transportation. Normally taxis charge a flat rate for the destination you want to go. The average fare for a taxi to a place within Punta Cana / Bavaro is about us$12 per person.

Here are some of the main taxi companies in Punta Cana:

Taxi Turistico Beron
Beron-Punta Cana
Tel : 809-466-1131

Tel.: 809 221 2741 (24/7 Radio Operator) /
809 981 1383 (Sales & Reservation Team)

Arena Gorda Taxi
Tel.: 809/552-0711

Taxi Rates / Tariffs

Several Sizes are available Several Sizes are available Several Sizes are available

Taxi rides from your hotel to the airport in Punta Cana can cost anywhere from US$20 (Puntacana Resort & Club and Club Med) to US$80 (hotels around Uvero Alto Beach), based on distance from nearest to farthest. After dark you can expect to pay US$15 to US$20 more, but fares can often be negotiated. Fares are valid for up to 4 people.

Fares are valid for up to 4 people and as elsewhere in Latin America, much is still negotiable. The further you are away from the resorts, the better you can negotiate.


Helicopter Taxi is available Helicopter Taxi is available Helicopter Taxi is available

To view Punta Cana from above, you may order a helicopter taxi. Helidosa is the major provider, and a ten minute flight from them will cost US$90 - 40 minutes will cost around US$320.

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